With the recent surge (or so it would seem) of sexual assault on American university campuses, the experienced sex crime defense attorneys at Greenberg, Greenberg & Kenyon, APLC would like to address this issue from a side that receives much less attention: the side of the accused.
Last month, an opinion column written by Andrea Peyser in the New York Post brought to light a different but very important perspective on this heated topic. Peyser features the case of a University of Cincinnati junior who, after having had a few drinks, engaged in a threesome. Not long after the incident, the male student, Ethan Peloe, found himself being accused of sexual assault.
A local sex crime defense lawyer, Mike Allen, and the university police investigated the case and found that the accusations were false and, ultimately, the evidence pointed to Peloe’s innocence.
In spite of Peloe’s innocence, his name was linked to an act of physical abuse and sexual harassment and therefore his name was tarnished.
This is not the first time that the federal crackdown on campus sexual violence has unjustly accused a young man of committing a sex crime. Thirty-three men nationwide have sued higher education institutions over such an injustice.
This comes as no surprise. University of Cincinnati spokeswoman M.B. Reilly points to one of the major flaws with the recent crackdown: “…college campuses are expected to serve as prosecutors, defense attorneys, judges, juries and courts of appeals all in one.”
Universities are conducting administrative hearings to try campus sexual assault cases, and in the process, they often fail to uphold the defendant’s right to due process, as in Peloe’s case with the University of Cincinnati.
If you are a student who has been accused of a sex crime on campus, you deserve a fair trial with an experienced sex crime defense lawyer who will make sure that your side of the story is heard and who will fight for you. Contact our office today to see how we can help with your specific case.
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