If you’ll be heading out to enjoy all the San Bernardino County Fair has to offer this year, why not enter in style? Sign up for the Fair Fun Run 5K, and not only will you get free entrance to the 2013 San Bernardino County Fair, but you can also be one of the very first people to get in!
The 2013 San Bernardino County Fair will take place between May 25th and June 2nd. The Fair Fun Run 5K will kick things off on May 25th at 1:40 p.m. Participants will be the first to enter the fair and will receive free entrance and a t-shirt, all while supporting a good cause. Participants will also have the chance to win prizes.
Registration costs $25.00. Proceeds go to the San Bernardino Sheriff’s Department COP and Explorer Programs.
This 5K is meant to be fun and therefore will not be timed, making it a great opportunity for beginning marathon runners to get some practice. However, even though the event will not be timed, the first male and female to finish the 5K will be crowned the king and queen of “Get Your Kicks at Fair 66.” The winners will receive a royalty package and photo opportunity in a classic car.
The race will take place at 14800 7th Street in Victorville, CA 92395. Participants need to check in at 11:00 a.m. on May 25th at Gate E.
For more information or to register, please visit the Fun Fair Run 5K website.