An allegation of credit card fraud can put your finances and your personal freedom at risk. If you are a business owner charged with credit card fraud in relation to your business, your business is at risk as well. If you are facing credit card fraud charges, it is important to have an experienced San Bernardino and Riverside credit card fraud lawyer on your side.
San Bernardino and Riverside Credit Card Fraud Defense Attorneys
The credit card fraud lawyers at Greenberg, Greenberg & Kenyon have been handling white-collar crime defense cases for more than 50 years. As former district attorneys, our credit card fraud defense lawyers in Riverside have the ability to anticipate prosecution strategies to pursue favorable outcomes for people like you.
Contact us today online or by telephone at (951) 274-0003 to speak with one of our experienced San Bernardino and Riverside credit card fraud attorneys. We represent clients throughout Riverside, San Bernardino, Los Angeles, Orange and San Diego counties.
Types of Credit Card Fraud Charges in San Bernardino and Riverside
Credit card fraud charges in San Bernardino and Riverside are often accompanied by other criminal allegations. If the charge involves fraud using the mail or telephone, you will be charged with mail or wire fraud as well. It is easy to see how the charges can add up, leading to potentially devastating criminal penalties.
Examples of credit card fraud and credit card related crimes include:
- Purchasing items with a stolen or found credit card
- Internet credit card fraud
- Selling illegally obtained credit cards
- Counterfeiting credit cards
- Selling items bought with stolen credit cards
- Using drop houses to have items (property) shipped to specific locations
A credit card fraud conviction could carry a sentence of up to 20 years in prison, depending on the circumstances. If you are serious about defending your freedom, our credit card fraud defense attorneys are here to offer legal guidance and powerful defense representation. We have more than 50 years of combined experience handing criminal defense cases involving credit card fraud and other white collar crimes.
Contact a Credit Card Fraud Defense Lawyer Today!
If you have been charged with credit card fraud and need a strong criminal defense, we are here to help. Contact us today online or by telephone at (951) 274-0003 to speak with a knowledgeable San Bernardino and Riverside credit card fraud attorney. We offer free initial consultations and our phone is answered 24 hours per day. All calls are returned promptly.