If you have been arrested on a prostitution-related charge in San Bernardino or Riverside, it is important to seek qualified legal counsel as soon as possible. You could face jail time, fines and a permanent criminal record, even if you were just at the wrong place at the wrong time.
San Bernardino & Riverside Prostitution Defense Lawyers
At Greenberg, Greenberg & Kenyon, our San Bernardino & Riverside prostitution attorneys provide skilled defense against prostitution and other sex crime charges. Our prostitution defense attorneys are former district attorneys, giving us a valuable perspective on how the prosecution approaches prostitution cases.
Contact us today online or by telephone at (951) 274-0003 to speak with one of our Riverside prostitution defense attorneys. We represent clients from Riverside, San Bernardino and throughout the surrounding areas
Prostitution Charges in San Bernardino & Riverside
Police sting operations are focused on a wide range of prostitution venues, from street prostitution, to massage parlors, to escort services, to Internet sites like Craigslist. The criminal charges commonly associated with prostitution are:
- Prostitution: The act of exchanging sexual services for money
- Solicitation: The act of paying someone to perform sexual acts. People charged with this crime are commonly known as “johns.”
- Pandering: Commonly known as “pimping,” pandering includes recruiting prostitutes for hire and soliciting their services.
- Loitering: The act of lingering in a public area for the purpose of soliciting a prostitute
We will thoroughly explore all aspects of the arrest, including police procedure in a sting operation. In many cases, we have been able to get charges thrown out due to faulty evidence or unlawful arrests. Our San Bernardino & Riverside defense lawyers will do everything we can to help you achieve the best possible outcome.
Contact our Sex Crime Defense Attorneys Today!
If you have been charged with a prostitution-related crime and need a strong criminal defense, we are here to help. Contact us today online or by telephone at (951) 274-0003 to speak with one of our knowledgeable San Bernardino & Riverside sex crime defense attorneys. We offer free initial consultations and our phone is answered 24 hours per day. All calls are returned promptly.