If you have been charged with shoplifting in San Bernardino or Riverside, you could face serious criminal penalties, even if it is your first offense. In order to protect your rights and your freedom, it is important to consult with an experienced San Bernardino & Riverside shoplifting defense lawyer.
San Bernardino & Riverside Shoplifting Lawyers
At Greenberg, Greenberg & Kenyon, our San Bernardino & Riverside shoplifting attorneys have more than 50 years of experience handling criminal defense cases, including those involving shoplifting and other types of theft. If this is your first time facing the criminal justice system, we understand how confusing and intimidating it can be. Our shoplifting lawyers in Riverside will work with you closely to make you comfortable with the legal process and help you pursue the most favorable result possible.
Contact us today online or by telephone at (951) 274-0003 to speak with one of our Riverside shoplifting defense lawyers. We represent clients throughout Riverside, San Bernardino, Los Angeles, Orange and San Diego counties.
Shoplifting and Employee Theft
Shoplifting is typically a petty misdemeanor. However, when the value of merchandise is over $400 or for repeat offenses, it can be charged as a felony, resulting in up to three years in prison. As most people are caught with the items or captured on camera, fighting shoplifting charges centers on proving that the theft was unintentional. When the prosecution has a solid case, we negotiate for lesser charges or alternative punishment.
For a first-time shoplifting conviction, we may be able to avoid jail time in exchange for restitution, probation, or fines. We can help you avoid jail. If you are sentenced to jail, some judges may allow you to serve your sentence on weekends/work release. Upon completion of probation, we can help you file for a 1203.4 dismissal of the charges. This form of record expungement allows you to legally state (on a job or loan application) that you were never convicted, although your arrest record stays on file.
Fighting Shoplifting Charges in San Bernardino & Riverside
In a shoplifting case, there are a number of defense strategies we can employ. In some cases, evidence such as video surveillance or eyewitness testimony clears our clients. In others, we can challenge the arrest and other elements of police procedure to get charges dismissed. Our attorneys are former district attorneys. We know how the prosecution builds shoplifting cases, and we know how to tear those cases down.
Contact a Shoplifting Attorney Today!
If you have been charged with shoplifting and need a strong criminal defense, we are here to help. Contact us today online or by telephone at (951) 274-0003 to speak with one of our knowledgeable San Bernardino & Riverside shoplifting defense lawyers. We offer free initial consultations and our phone is answered 24 hours per day. All calls are returned promptly.